boom, headshotHello / Blog.

First experience with .NET Core 1.0

It's neat. · Posted on in microsoft dotnet

Microsoft recently released the 1.0 version of their cross-platform implementation of .NET. So far I’ve only played with the samples and test apps they provide, but I really like what I see. I do have some exposure to C# and .NET in general so it isn’t completely foreign but there are still a few things to get used to (mainly due to the fact this is the first time we’ve seen native .NET support for OSX/Linux). Well, second, if we count Mono but I don’t and I’m not sure how it compares to this. I’ll break my comments down into 3 sections: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Xbox One Backwards Compat Broken (Update)

Thanks Obama! · Posted on in xbox-one

UPDATE: For some inexplicable reason, despite not receiving any further updates, the games mentioned below now prompt to install. Hurrah! Original post as follows…

Should you drop jQuery? - 3 Strikes

The correct answer is yes · Posted on in jquery javascript

I’ll start by admitting that I have a strong bias against jQuery. I don’t think it serves any legitimate purpose anymore, though it definitely did a few years ago. I don’t believe it’s poorly written or failing to keep up with the times or anything like that, the jQuery people do good work. The web has shifted significantly (obviously) in the past few years, leaving jQuery-like frameworks behind. Native JS is leaps and bounds better than it was when jQuery first came on the scene, and with ES6 we won’t even need pseudo-langauges like Typescript or Coffeescript anymore. We’ve simply moved past the point where we need to include a large, monolithic library on the page in order to make a few simple AJAX requests and select DOM elements.

Recent work && Google+

Busy, busy, busy · Posted on in meta

It’s been a while! Since starting at Granify in November I’ve had little time to do much outside of work. Well, no time for blogging anyways. Tried doing a bit on my Google+ page but I ended up just sharing photos instead (goodbye Instagram). Anyways, I’ve expanded my repitoire a bit over the last few months and I’m excited to share some of the things I’ve been working on.

Deploy Jekyll Anywhere

Static website generators are actually awesome · Posted on in jekyll

Jekyll is a pretty slick system, but if you’re not used to using ruby (and the gem package manager) it can be a bit tricky and if you’re like me you might give up on it all together for 6 months. Hopefully this short tutorial will help you avoid that.